Redemption Rock

Redemption Rock Through The Ages
The Captivity of Mary Rowlandson
King Philip's War
Poems, Pictures and Plays
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Poems, Pictures and Plays

On this page you will find pictures, poems, and information about a play all having to do with Redemption Rock!!

Redemption Rock


Just within Wachusett’s shadow,

Near a winding mountain’s path,

In a green and fertile meadow,

Braving storms of centuries’ wrath,

There’s a stone of nature’s rearing,

Chiselled deep that all may know,

Of helpless woman’s woe,

Of a mother’s heart despairing.


Long the way and grim the showing

Of the savage redman’s trail,

By the Nashua river flowing,

Round the hill and thru the vale,

Travel worn, footsore and weary,

Terrified by night’s alarms,

With her wounded babe in  arms,

Thinly clad and cold and dreary.


Driven from the burning village,

Forced to face the wintry wind,

Sickened by the doleful pillage,

Captive, oft she looked behind,

Watched the sultry smoke ascending,

Watched the hate in savage eyes,

Hushed the wounded baby’s cries,

Fearful of the death impending.


Hushed her wounded baby’s crying,

While her soul with grief is shaking,

While the mother-heart is breaking,

And the wintry winds are sighing,

And the wintry snow is falling,

Closer in her arms she folds it,

To her own chilled bosom holds it,

Hears mysterious voices calling,

Calling-and her baby hears them,

Answering with her soul the summons.


Came dawn and the thru the woodland,

Samoset’s red warriors glide,

Loaded down with spoils, each war band,

From a ravished country side,

So was filled her cup of sorrow,

Son and daughter captive still,

Terrified by threats to kill,

Living, dreading each tomorrow.


So they met and so they parted,

So her mother-faith was tried,

Tears that all unbidden started,

Were by added terrors dried;

To the north her captors trending,

Now, indeed, was she alone,

Husband, son and daughter gone,

Yet her bondage near its ending.


Came King Philip, mighty sachem,

In an effort to unite

Fierce Mohawk  and dread Washacum,

War cries echoed thru the night,

And next morning, unabated,

But their wranglings were in vain,

Philip, turning south again,

Warring on the race he hated.


Many weary steps were taken,

As they trod the backward trail,

With her splendid faith unshaken,

That her God would yet prevail,

And her day of peace was dawning,

And all nature seemed athrill,

As she saw Wachusett’s hill,

Glorious on a bright May morning.

And, here within Wachusett’s shadow,

Near the pathway, thru the glade,

On this rock that fronts the meadow,

Was the ransom treaty made;

Redemption Rock of nature’s rearing,

Chiselled deep that all may know,

Of a helpless woman’s woe,

Of a man’s heroic daring!

                        C. J. Q.

The road marker on route 140 for Redemption Rock
Picture taken by Maribeth Cote

In 1997, the eight-grade class at Thomas Prince School wrote and performed a play on the history of Redemption Rock. The play went through the narrative of Mary Rowlandson's captivity, and featured a song entitle, "Redemption Rock."

As mentioned earlier, the students, and one of their teachers orchestrated the entire production.

If you are interested in more information on the play, please contact me and I will guide you to the proper channels. My contact information can be found on the "Contact Me" page.

The Everett Tomb
Picture taken by Maribeth Cote




Created by Maribeth Cote