Redemption Rock

Redemption Rock Through The Ages
The Captivity of Mary Rowlandson
King Philip's War
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Redemption Rock Through The Ages

Here is a timetable of the history of Redemption Rock, including all important events from the time of Mary Rowlandson's captivity up to the present.

The History of Redemption Rock
To view the rest of this pamphlet go to the "Links" page

The story of Redemption Rock dwells deep within New England history.  This Granite rock, measuring 35’ x 50’ x 75’, is the location of the release of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson to Mr. John Hoar, after eleven weeks of captivity by Indians.

To learn more about the Captivity of Mary Rowlandson, and King Philip’s War, see the following pages.

Ever since the year 1676, when Mrs. Rowlandson was released, Redemption Rock has been a monument of strength for the town Princeton, MA, where the rock is located. Here is a brief history of Redemption Rock, from the captivity of Mary Rowlandson, to the present day:

·        May 2, 1676 – Mary Rowlandson is ransomed to John Hoar for a sum of 20 pounds, at Redemption Rock.

·        During the eighteenth century, the Everett family owned the land surrounding Redemption Rock.  As legend goes, Mr. and Mrs. Everett were buried in a tomb just behind Redemption Rock. There they lay for 75 years before being moved to the Princeton North Cemetery. To this day hikers and tourists can still visit the Everett tomb.

·        1879 - Senator George Hoar, descendant of Rowlandson’s redeemer John Hoar, purchased the parcel of land where Redemption Rock sits. He had the rock inscribed with the following message:

Upon this rock May 2nd 1676 was made

The agreement for the ransom of

Mrs. Mary Rowlandson of Lancaster

Between the Indians and John Hoar of Concord

King Philip was with the Indians

But refused his consent¹

·        1930 – The Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Commission erected a sign on route 140, marking the location of Redemption Rock. 

·        1953 – Descendants of George Hoar donated the one-quarter acre of land, on which the rock is situated, to the Trustees of Reservations.

·        1997 – The Princeton K-8 school, Thomas Prince, hosted a play, performed and written by the eighth grade class. This play outlined the captivity of Mary Rowlandson, and the release at Redemption Rock, featuring a song, written by the students, entitled “Redemption Rock.”  

·        For over twenty years, Thomas Prince School has held a fourth grade field trip, to explore the history of Princeton. One of the main stops on this tour is to Redemption Rock, where the children are told the story of Mary Rowlandson.

In addition to being a historical site, Redemption Rock is also a passing point along the Mid- State trail, which stretches 92 miles across Massachusetts. For more information on hiking see the “links” page.


         ¹ History of Redemption Rock Also History of the American Indians (Fitchburg, MA: Joseph Mason), 1. 


Created by Maribeth Cote